December 22, 2014

Clinky chestnut Fausto


Ordered by a family member. He stayed here for a couple of days and looked very pretty in our curio cabinet, hard to say goodbye. :)
Oh well, there's more to come. Thinking about ordering a clinky Fausto of your own? There are 10 fine bone china Faustos left. This one is a standard color, satin finish.

December 15, 2014

Fuerte in buckskin by Nikki

The first Fuerte with "clothes" on! Beautifully painted by Nikki Button and now available for sale on MH$P. The unpainted copies of Fuerte sold out in just 24 hours.

Photos and finishwork by Nikki Button

December 6, 2014


A frisky Arabian mare on the cold December beach. This is the very popular Salome, sculpted by Brigitte Eberl. Owned by Diana Patterson, USA.